Application & Guide

Get started on the DF program by completing these forms

We recommend that applicants contact their local ILRC to assist them with completing their application.

The Application and Guide

Download this file to begin filling out your application. Don't forget to download and read the application guide.

Direct Funding Application (pdf) 350KB
Download this file to begin filling out your application
Direct Funding Application (doc) 133KB
Download this file to begin filling out your application

The Direct Funding Application Guide will help answer many of the most common questions about the Application

Direct Funding Application Guide (pdf) 370KB
Answers many questions you may have about the Application

Attendant Service Logs (Optional)

Attendant Service Logs (pdf) 22KB
Log your non-DF attendant hours
Attendant Service Logs (doc) 86KB
Log your non-DF attendant hours

To accurately present the assistance you now use, fill out the “Attendant Service Log” recording what assistance you use during the day or night and how long each activity takes. Consolidate these on the third worksheet, Sample Week. Keep and bring these sheets to refer to when answering questions at your Direct Funding selection panel interview.

For more information on the Direct Funding program, contact CILT:

Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
365 Bloor Street East Suite 902
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3L4

Tel: (416) 599-2458
Fax: (416) 599-3555
TTY: (416) 599-5077
Toll Free:1-800-354-9950

"The freedom and flexibility that I am experiencing were not imaginable in the other settings."
- 46-year-old man living alone

Program puts more people with disabilities in control

The Direct Funding Program is being expanded to allow more Ontarians with disabilities to live independently in their homes.

You can read more about this in our News Release.

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