Study Materials

Study Materials and ways to prepare for your DF interview

Study Materials

Most of the information you'll need to review prior to your interview can be found online or in the application package. (If you require hard copy or alternate format study materials, please contact your local Independent Living Centre.)

Review your application carefully before your interview and it will be helpful to review the "Interview" section of this website so you know what to expect; the selection panel will expect you are prepared to describe your daily routine in detail, including how long activities take to complete and how you would schedule your attendants throughout the day. If you need them, feel free to use the Attendant Service Logs included in the application package to clarify your morning, mid-day, and evening routines.

Below you will find a list of links containing valuable information about being an employer. We recommend that you read about each of the sub-topics and practice the sample interview questions below.

Employment Standards
Read the following Fact Sheets and sections:
  • Domestic Workers (e.g. what information must an employer give a domestic worker? What kind of information must employers keep?).
  • Daily Rest Provision and Provision for Rest in Between Shifts (lunches and breaks)
  • Complying With Employment Standards: What Businesses Need to Know (including Termination Notice and Pay, Minimum Wage and Public Holidays)
  • Public Holiday Pay Calculator
  • Vacation

Human Rights Code
Specifically, but not limited to, those regulations around discrimination when hiring employees.
  • Search for Employment in the Social Areas section.

Canada Revenue Agency – Payroll
Specifically, but not limited to, the following topics:
  • Employer Responsibilities
  • Opening a payroll account
  • Hiring Employees: TD1 and TD1ON Forms & Social Insurance Number
  • payroll deductions: Income Tax, Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance. (You may refer to the CRA Payroll Deductions Online Calculator at the following address
  • remitting deductions (related topic – What if you fail to remit deductions?)
  • T4 & T4A Forms
  • Keeping records (payroll etc.) – paper and electronic
  • What should you do if an employee leaves?
  • Record of Employment (related topic – what if you fail to file the ROE?)
Other matters related to being an employer, such as, but not limited to:
    Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage for employees.

    Note: Direct Funding Program requires that all Participants register their employees with WSIB.

Program administered by Centre for Independent Living Toronto
For more information on the Direct Funding program, contact CILT:

Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
365 Bloor Street East Suite 902
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3L4

Tel: (416) 599-2458
Fax: (416) 599-3555
TTY: (416) 599-5077
Toll Free:1-800-354-9950

"I used to view my disability as being in bed chained down at my shoulders and my hips, waiting for someone to free me. Well, I can honestly say that Direct Funding has come along and done that!"
- 25-year-old man living with parents

Program puts more people with disabilities in control

The Direct Funding Program is being expanded to allow more Ontarians with disabilities to live independently in their homes.

You can read more about this in our News Release.

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