Web Updates

The Updates for the Direct Funding Site

New Study Materials

The DF Website has made many of the Self-Manager pages available to the public

As of today, many pages from the Self-Manager section have been made public. This will greatly benefit the applicants who wish to study while on the waiting list.

The new pages can be found in the Interview section, under Study Materials.

Posted by Disability Resource Centre for Independent Living (DRCIL) on Friday, April 25th, 2014

News Articles Added

Added eight new articles to Direct Funding in the Media


Posted by Disability Resource Centre for Independent Living (DRCIL) on Thursday, March 20th, 2014

RSS Feeds Added!

The Direct Funding website now has RSS feeds.

We've added a variety of RSS feeds to our site. This will make it easier for Direct Funding program to keep you updated on current events. Simply click the subscribe button on any of the following news pages:

The news feed for Self-Managers has also been updated to allow members to subscribe.

Enjoy the updates and make sure to subscribe to any feeds that interest you!

Posted on Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Any feedback about the site is very welcome. We'd love to hear from you!

Program administered by Centre for Independent Living Toronto
For more information on the Direct Funding program, contact CILT:

Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT)
365 Bloor Street East Suite 902
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3L4

Tel: (416) 599-2458
Fax: (416) 599-3555
TTY: (416) 599-5077
Toll Free:1-800-354-9950

"I used to view my disability as being in bed chained down at my shoulders and my hips, waiting for someone to free me. Well, I can honestly say that Direct Funding has come along and done that!"
- 25-year-old man living with parents

Program puts more people with disabilities in control

The Direct Funding Program is being expanded to allow more Ontarians with disabilities to live independently in their homes.

You can read more about this in our News Release.

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